The brief
How do you explain 20 years of scientific research in a few minutes, in a way that non-scientists will understand?
With strong interest from industry, farmers, markets, industry, investors, government and the public, Nuseed’s DHA Canola Project team and its partners were regularly receiving questions about this novel product – why are long-chain omega-3 oils important and how are they used, what is the regulatory process, and how will this new oil be grown and marketed.
This was the challenge Rivergum was asked to address as part of its ongoing communication support for this important but complex Nuseed program.
The approach
We needed a simple but effective way to answer questions clearly, succinctly and accurately, without delving too deeply in scientific detail.
A suite of infographics – combining explanatory graphic elements with supporting details – were developed to help answer key questions about how Nuseed’s DHA Canola was developed.
As this canola is a novel, world-first development, each infographic was designed to stand alone, but to also work as a complete set to explain the Program from concept to completion.
Rivergum reviewed reams of documents and drew on its deep understanding of the Project, gained over more than six years of working with the team.
Taking a graphics-based approach (as compared with using photography, for example) also provided strong branding benefits, capability to use elements in other materials, and delivered an element of future-proofing for creating new infographics as the Project progresses.
The infographics are now a staple of the materials used with different audiences and events – particularly when engaging with media wanting to understand the program.
Available via Nuseed’s website, they have been accessed via this platform alone more than xxx times.
Individual graphics are used in presentations, talks, meetings and other events. Additional infographics are being added regularly, with two more currently in the pipeline.