The brief
Address declining compliance from grain growers paying End Point Royalties (EPRs) to Australian breeding companies to ensure the longevity of the Australian cropping sector. EPRs must be paid on relevant crop varieties and are largely the only way breeding is funded – but it’s a bit like tax; no one likes to pay it.
The approach
Based on existing market research, we developed Today’s EPRs. Tomorrow’s Superior Grains. as a grower-focused national, unifying campaign position for all communication related to End Point Royalties. Underpinning messages highlighted the value delivered to growers by Australian crop breeding over the past 20+ years and addressed several common misconceptions.
As a long-term education and behaviour change approach, this has been rolled out over several annual campaigns utilising web, social, digital, press and editorials, with a comprehensive Tool Kit also provided to Member Companies for use in their own marketing.
We have dramatically increased the conversation and awareness of the importance of EPRs, evidenced through greater media and online coverage, as well as social engagement. The campaign position has allowed the industry to align under a single core message, which can be adjusted to suit different sub-sectors and market position.